Examining the Relationship Between Teachers' School Climate and Organizational Commitment
Öğretmenlerin Okul İklimi ile Örgütsel Adanmışlıkları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
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Organizational commitment, school climate, teacherAbstract
This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers' school climate and organizational commitment through teachers' perceptions. The researchers used the relational screening method. According to the research results; Organizational climate and organizational commitment levels were above average. In this case, the level of organizational commitment and organizational climate perceived by the participants is quite high. According to teachers' perceptions, it was revealed that organizational climate perceptions did not differ between men and women. However, there is a difference in the organizational commitment scale and it is in favor of women. In other words, women's dedication is greater than men. Again, there was no statistically significant difference between the organizational climate and organizational commitment scale and the arithmetic averages of the age groups. In addition, in line with the opinions of the teachers, it was revealed that the perceptions of organizational commitment and organizational climate did not change depending on whether they were married or single. The difference between the organizational climate scale and the arithmetic averages of the professional experience groups was not found to be statistically significant. However, the difference between the organizational commitment scale and the arithmetic averages of the professional experience groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the perception of organizational commitment in the 11-15 years group was higher than the 6-10 years professional experience group. Again, in line with the opinions of the teachers, there was no difference in the organizational commitment and organizational climate scales according to their educational status. Finally, there is a significant, moderate and positive relationship between the organizational commitment of the teachers in the study and the organizational climate. According to the regression analysis, it is understood that teachers' perceptions of organizational commitment significantly and positively predict their perceptions of organizational climate. In other words, a 100-unit increase in the organizational commitment dimension increases teachers' organizational climate perceptions by 52.6%.
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