Reviewer Guideline

Peer Review Process

Peer review serves to ensure the publication of reliable and innovative scientific findings. Every article submitted for publication in the JMEDUSCI Journal of Management and Educational Sciences goes through the peer-review process summarized below, and all publications published here are peer-reviewed.

Preliminary examination

The Editor and Editorial Commission make a preliminary evaluation of each article before sending it to the journal. The peer-review process does not begin until the article is rejected or some revisions are requested if it does not comply with the journal's content and format guidelines. No longer can an article be approved for publication by the editor without a positive referee report.

Peer Review

The names of the referees and authors are recorded at every stage of the procedure within the scope of the double-blind refereeing technique used by the JMEDUSCI Journal of Management and Educational Sciences.

After passing the preliminary evaluation stage, the manuscripts are sent to two referees selected by the editor and/or the editorial board. Referees are selected from the referee pool, taking into account their areas of expertise.

Reviewers review submitted articles; They evaluate based on their originality, methodologies, contributions to the literature, presentation of findings and evidence supporting conclusions, and previous research. Reviewers have the option of accepting, rejecting, or requesting authors to change the format or content of the manuscript. An article must have the approval of at least two referees before it can be published. In the event that one referee rejects the submitted article and the other approves it subject to a significant change, a third referee is assigned to the article. The opinions, suggestions and corrections of the three referees are compiled and sent to the author if the third referee accepts the article as subject to major changes. According to the recommendations of the three referees, the author is asked to edit his article.

If the referee or referees request a correction, the author(s) must make the necessary changes, taking into account the criticisms and suggestions of the referees, and submit the request to the publication commission within 15 days at the latest. Rejected articles are sent back to the author with the justification for the decision.

Final Review

The Editorial Commission makes the final evaluation for all articles that are in the publication process and received positive referee evaluation. The Publication Commission places the articles in the order of publication they find "appropriate for publication".

Peer Review Process

JMEDUSCI Journal of Management and Educational Sciences: It aims to complete the total refereeing process of an article within 4 weeks (30 days), the preliminary evaluation phase for 1 week, the referee evaluation phase for 2 weeks and the final evaluation phase for 1 week. The author(s) who submit an article to the JMEDUSCI Journal of Management and Educational Sciences are deemed to have accepted the journal's referee evaluation conditions and process.