Examining the Effect of Teachers' Perceived Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment

Öğretmenlerin Algıladığı Örgüt Kültürünün Örgütsel Bağlılığa Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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Organizational commitment, organizational culture, teacher


It was aimed to examine the absence of Relational screening model was used in the research. According to the results of the research, organizational commitment and organizational culture perception levels were above average. As a result of the analysis; According to the teachers' perceptions, it was revealed that the perceptions of organizational culture and organizational commitment did not differ between men and women. The difference between the organizational commitment scale and the arithmetic averages of the age groups was found to be statistically significant. According to this result, it was concluded that the perception of organizational commitment in the group between the ages of 36-45 was higher than the group aged 46 and over. There was no statistical difference between the organizational culture scale and the arithmetic averages of the age groups. Additionally, the difference between the organizational commitment scale and the arithmetic averages of the professional experience groups was found to be statistically significant. According to this result, it was concluded that the perception of organizational commitment of the group with 11-15 years of professional experience was higher than the group with 6-10 years of professional experience and 21 years and more of professional experience. There was no statistical difference between the organizational culture scale and the arithmetic averages of the professional experience groups. According to teachers' perceptions, it was revealed that their perceptions of organizational culture and organizational commitment did not change according to undergraduate and graduate degrees. On the other hand, there is no statistical relationship between teachers' organizational culture and their perceptions of organizational commitment. Finally, teachers' perceptions of the organizational culture sub-dimension significantly predict their perceptions of organizational commitment. Accordingly, a 100-unit increase in the teamwork and conflict sub-dimensions of teachers' organizational culture reduces their perception of general organizational commitment by 11.3%. Again, a 100-unit increase in the school climate and morale sub-dimensions of organizational culture reduces perceptions of general organizational commitment by 16.6%. Finally, a 100-unit increase in the meetings sub-dimension of teachers' organizational culture increases their perception of general organizational commitment by 13.3%.


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, Y., Karataş, E. B., Salık, H., Gürsoy, İsmet, & Gürlek, G. (2024). Examining the Effect of Teachers’ Perceived Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment: Öğretmenlerin Algıladığı Örgüt Kültürünün Örgütsel Bağlılığa Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(1), 109–117. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11218258




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