Urban to Rural Migration - Reverse Migration
Kentten Köye Göç - Tersine Göç

Migration, internal migration, reverse migration, economyAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the concept of migration from the city to the village, that is, reverse migration, and the situation in Turkey. By supporting the study with some graphics and figures, it has been tried to reveal the dimensions of reverse migration (migration from the city to the countryside) in Turkey. Qualitative research methodology was adopted in this study. In the research; When the reverse migration situation in Turkey is examined, it is seen that the migration from the village to the city still continues, but it has decreased compared to the 1950s. On the other hand, in cases of reverse migration from the city to the village under the name of "Returning to the Family"/Returning to the Homeland, it is thought that some economic and political developments, which have started to mobilize compared to the past years, accelerated the said migration movement.
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