Investigating the Effect of Creative Leadership Characteristics of School Principals on Professional Motivation of Teachers

Okul Müdürlerinin Yaratıcı liderlik Özelliklerinin Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Motivasyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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Professional motivation, school principal, teacher, creative leadership


This study aims to examine the effects of school principals' creative leadership characteristics on teachers' professional motivation according to teachers' opinions. A relational screening model was used in the study. According to the results of the study; teachers' professional motivation and school principals' creative leadership perception levels were found to be above average. In the examination according to gender; it was revealed that school principals' creative leadership and teachers' professional motivation perceptions did not change according to women and men. In the examination according to age; the difference between teachers' professional motivation and creative leadership perceptions and age groups was found to be statistically significant and it was concluded that teachers over the age of 41 had higher professional motivation perceptions than teachers between the ages of 31-40; teachers between the ages of 31-40 and 41 and above had higher creative leadership perceptions than teachers between the ages of 22-30. In the examination according to professional experience; the difference was found to be statistically significant and it was revealed that teachers with 1-5 years of professional experience had higher professional motivation perceptions than teachers with 6-10 years and 11-15 years of professional experience; school principals' creative leadership perceptions did not change according to differences in professional experience. In the examination according to marital status, teachers' creative leadership perceptions and professional motivations do not change according to married or single status. In addition, a statistically significant, moderate and positive relationship was found between school principals' creative leadership and teachers' professional motivation perceptions. Finally, according to teachers' perceptions; school principals' creative leadership perceptions significantly predict teachers' professional motivation perceptions. In other words, a 100-unit increase in school principals' creative leadership dimension increases teachers' professional motivation perceptions by 39.5%.


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How to Cite

Ekici, Ömer, Ekici, Y., Konakcı, G., Büyükbahçıvan, E., & Kunt, A. (2024). Investigating the Effect of Creative Leadership Characteristics of School Principals on Professional Motivation of Teachers: Okul Müdürlerinin Yaratıcı liderlik Özelliklerinin Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Motivasyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(2), 128–136.


