Kurumsal Yabancılaşma

Özet Görüntüleme: 34 / PDF İndirme: 37


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Öğretmen yabancılaşması, Ortaöğretim kurumu, Yabancılaşma


The subject of this study is teacher alienation in the context of alienation in education. The research aims to identify teacher alienation in the institution, rather its current situation and to reveal its various dimensions. The study was carried out with the attached questionnaire method on Anatolian Technical and Industrial Vocational High School teachers in Ankara, Sincan District. As a result, it is seen that the teachers participating in the research do not experience intense feelings of alienation. The "meaninglessness" dimension of alienation is lower than the others, that is, even if the alienation is very low, the "meaninglessness" dimension is higher than the others. According to the "weakness" dimension, it was determined that the teachers felt themselves strong in the framework of the administrative processes at school and their perception-interpretation. In the dimension of "meaninglessness" and "lawlessness" of alienation; It can be considered as a very important factor that especially teachers find their work meaningful and valuable, and that they love it. It is a very good result that there is a significant feeling of belonging to the school where they work, especially among teachers, in the dimension of “disengagement”. In the study, in the dimension of "job dissatisfaction" as an indicator of alienation; the majority of teachers (94%) are satisfied with their work. As a result, Anatolian Technical and Industrial Vocational High School teachers in Sincan District of Ankara is an institution where job satisfaction is high.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Karakaya, M. (2023). Kurumsal Yabancılaşma. Yönetim Ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 39–50. Geliş tarihi gönderen https://jmedusci.com/index.php/pub/article/view/14


