Examining the Effect of Organizational-Managerial Motivation Practices on Teachers' Productivity in Educational Institutions

Eğitim Kurumlarında Örgütsel-Yönetsel Motivasyon Uygulamalarının Öğretmenlerin Verimliliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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This research aims to examine the effects of organizational-managerial motivation practices on teachers' productivity, according to teachers' opinions. Relational screening model was used in the research. According to the results of the research, productivity and organizational-managerial motivation perception levels were above average. In the research, when examined according to gender; It has been revealed that the productivity of male teachers is higher than that of female teachers. On the other hand, it was revealed that organizational-managerial motivation and productivity perceptions do not differ between men and women. In addition, no statistical difference was found between the organizational-managerial motivation scale and productivity scale and the arithmetic averages of age and professional experience groups. Another result of the research is that teachers' organizational-managerial motivation perceptions significantly predict their productivity perceptions. In other words, a 100-unit increase in teachers' organizational-managerial motivation dimension increases their productivity perceptions by 48.8%.


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How to Cite

Sezer, E. B., Atmaca, A., Şan, M., & Yeşilyurt, Şeyda. (2024). Examining the Effect of Organizational-Managerial Motivation Practices on Teachers’ Productivity in Educational Institutions: Eğitim Kurumlarında Örgütsel-Yönetsel Motivasyon Uygulamalarının Öğretmenlerin Verimliliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(1), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11218245


