Investigation of the Relationship Between School Principals' Leadership Behavior and Teachers' Life Satisfaction
Okul Müdürlerinin Liderlik Davranışı ile Öğretmenlerin Yaşam Doyumu Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Leadership behavior, life satisfaction, school principal, teacherAbstract
This study aimed to determine the relationship between school principals' leadership behavior and teachers' life satisfaction with teachers' perceptions. As a result of the examination and review of the relevant literature, the researcher determined that there is a lack of studies on this subject. Therefore, this article aims to provide empirical evidence for the interrelationship between and among the selected variables covered in this study. The researcher used the quantitative research analysis method of two scales (leadership behavior of school principals and life satisfaction of teachers) on 300 teachers working in the surrounding districts of Diyarbakır. In the research findings, it was determined that the behaviors of teachers and perceived school principals regarding leadership behavior and life satisfaction were at a "moderate" level. When the teachers' perceived school principals' views on leadership and life satisfaction behaviors were compared according to gender, age, professional experience, marital status and school level, it was seen that there was no significant difference. Again, when compared according to the education level variable; There is no significant difference in the leadership scale of school principals. On the other hand, the difference between the arithmetic averages of the education status groups of the general scale of life satisfaction was statistically significant and this difference was found to be higher for associate degree graduates than undergraduate and graduate graduates. There is a significant and positive relationship between perceived school principals' leadership behavior and life satisfaction. In addition, there was a positive relationship between benevolent and life satisfaction, which is one of the leadership sub-dimensions of school principals, while a negative relationship emerged between the authoritarian leadership sub-dimension and life satisfaction. In addition, there is no relationship between moral leadership and exploitative leadership and life satisfaction. Benevolent leadership, one of the sub-dimensions of perceived school principals' leadership behaviors, positively predicts life satisfaction of principal behavior.
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