Writing Rules

  1. First page (Authors' Information and Turkish English title of the study); The Turkish and English titles of the study are centered on the page, written in a single line spaced one below the other, in Times New Roman, 12 font size, and just below that the author(s) names and surnames, ORCID numbers, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, according to the order of contribution in the article. aligned to the left and sorted one below the other. “Author of correspondence” is added in quotation marks next to the author who will be responsible for the correspondence (correspond author) among the authors.
  2. Secondly (The Work is given as a whole from the header file); According to this; ENGLISH TITLE; It should be written in New Roman character, centered, 12 font size, bold and Times should not be used. Names and surnames of the author/authors should not be given.
  3. “ABSTRACT” title; It should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt, 1 line spacing. It should be a single paragraph not exceeding 200 words. The summary should begin with a one-sentence introductory sentence stating why you need to do the work. Introduction, purpose, subjects or research group, data collection tools, procedure method, data analysis, briefly findings, a brief conclusion should be included, but should not be given as titles.
  4. “English title” (Turkish abstract writing rules apply).
  5. Keywords: They should be in alphabetical order, separated by commas, minimum 3 and maximum 5 words. It should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt, 1 line spacing.
  6. Article sections; The text of the article consists of the following sections: "INTRODUCTION", "METHODS", "FINDINGS", "DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ", "RECOMMENDATIONS", "EXTENDED ABSTRACT", "REFERENCES". These titles are; Left justified, capital letters, 12 points and bold).
  7. When deemed necessary, the "ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" section is written before the REFERENCES.
  8. Author copyright transfer formula: The form signed by the corresponding author





The first capital letter of the title of the study will be written in 12 Times New Roman, bold in the middle. Only the first letters of proper nouns in Turkish and English titles will be capitalized. The first letters of each remaining word should be lowercase.


It should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt, 1 line spacing. It should be a single paragraph not exceeding 200 words. The summary should begin with a one-sentence introductory sentence stating why you need to do the work. Introduction, purpose, subjects or research group, data collection tools, procedure method, data analysis, briefly findings, a brief conclusion should be included, but should not be given as titles.

In the works sent in English; The Turkish abstract should be added below the English abstract.


The subject of the study, the reasoning, the problem and the theoretical or conceptual framework of the research should be revealed, and an evaluation should be made about the main sources. In the last paragraph of the introduction, the purpose of the study and its original value should be stated. Definitions, abbreviations, assumptions and limitations in the introduction, if any, should be presented in this section with their justifications.

Article text; Times New Roman should be 12 points, the first line should be within 1 cm, and the line spacing should be 1.5 pt. Page margins should be 2.5 cm from all sides (bottom, top, right, left). A 6 nk space should be added between sections or after paragraphs.

Figures, graphics, photographs and charts to be included in the main text should be given in the study, where they are mentioned, and numbered. Figures, graphics and photographs will be submitted in JPG, TIFF format. Table number and title should be written on the tables. Tables can be written in either 8, 9 or 10 points according to the page layout. In articles written in Turkish, decimal notations should be shown with a "comma" sign, in articles sent in English, decimal notations should be shown with a "dot" sign.


Our journal has decided to publish all articles together with Extended Abstracts as of 2023. Extended Abstract is a method that will facilitate the international readability and citation of articles. Extended Abstract, English from Turkish articles; Articles in English will be requested in Turkish. The Extended Abstract will be requested during the first application of the articles to our journal. The Extended Abstract should be placed just before the References and after the main text of the article is finished. The Extended Abstract, in which the problem, purpose, method and results of the study will be discussed in more detail than the traditional abstract, will also pave the way for international citations for the articles, as it will be in English for Turkish articles. On the other hand, Turkish Extended Abstracts will be requested from the articles submitted to our journal in English, which will pave the way for national citations. The goal in the extended abstracts will make it easier for a work to be cited, along with its national and international accessibility.
The Turkish version of the extended abstract should preferably be between 500-800 words, and the English version should be between 800-1200 words; should clearly state the purpose, problem, method, findings and results of the study in titles. Subheadings in the extended abstract may vary depending on the type of study (research/review).