Examining the Effect of Teacher Autonomy on Classroom Management Styles

Öğretmen Özerkliğinin Sınıf Yönetim Stillerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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Teacher, teacher autonomy, classroom management styles


This research aimed to examine the effect of teacher autonomy on classroom management styles, according to teachers' opinions. Relational screening model was used in the research. In the first finding of the research; Classroom management styles and teacher autonomy levels were above average. As a result of the analysis; Males' perceptions of classroom management styles were higher than females. On the other hand, it was revealed that perceptions of teacher autonomy do not differ between men and women. In the analysis according to age groups; The difference between teacher autonomy and the arithmetic averages of the age groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the perception of teacher autonomy in the group between the ages of 31-40 was higher than the groups between the ages of 41-50. The difference between classroom management styles and arithmetic averages of age groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the perception of classroom management styles in the 31-40 age group is higher than the 20-30 age group. On the other hand, it was revealed that perceptions of teacher autonomy and classroom management styles did not change depending on whether teachers were married or single. In the analysis according to their educational status; It was revealed that the autonomy perception of teachers with a master's degree was higher than that of teachers with a bachelor's degree. On the other hand, it was revealed that there was no difference in perceptions of classroom management styles according to education level. In the review according to professional experience; The difference between the arithmetic averages of teacher autonomy and professional experience groups was not found statistically significant. However, the difference between the arithmetic averages of classroom management styles and professional experience groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the perception of classroom management styles of the group between 17-24 years was higher than the groups between 1-8 years. On the other hand, the difference between the perceptions of teacher autonomy and classroom management styles and the arithmetic averages of the institution type groups in which they work was not statistically significant. Finally, while there is a significant, low-level and positive relationship between teacher autonomy within the scope of the research and the general dimensions of classroom management styles, teachers' perceptions of autonomy significantly predict their perceptions of classroom management styles. In other words, a 100-unit increase in the teachers' autonomy dimension increases their perception of classroom management styles by 23.1%.


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How to Cite

Gümüşdal, A., Özlüleci Ece, M., & Yün, E. (2024). Examining the Effect of Teacher Autonomy on Classroom Management Styles: Öğretmen Özerkliğinin Sınıf Yönetim Stillerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(1), 83–92. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10969031


