Ecological Art in the Context of Sustainable Art

Sürdürülebilir Sanat Bağlamında Ekolojik Sanat

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Ecology, art, sustainability


This research explains how the arts shape the environmental behaviour of individuals and society. The literature suggests that the arts may have a role in shaping environmental behaviour. However, it is unclear how or under what conditions this may occur. Therefore, there is a need to identify the ways in which the arts shape environmental behaviour at the individual level and at the societal level through the accumulated actions of individuals. This review aims to explain the role of the arts in guiding society towards ecological sustainability. A conceptual framework is developed to explain how the arts influence environmental behaviour. The conceptual framework recognises that environmental impacts are the sum of individuals' actions and, consistent with the social psychology literature, individual behaviour is influenced in part through attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, habits and empathy. Each of these factors is influenced by personal characteristics such as gender, class, employment, personality, family, peer group and self-concept. Art is a response to and embodiment of environmental conditions, contexts and crises. It is to help create communication and knowledge to influence the factors that influence behaviour as well as actual behaviour, to create empathy for the natural environment and to integrate with ecologically sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Akdere, B., & Atlı, İbrahim. (2023). Ecological Art in the Context of Sustainable Art: Sürdürülebilir Sanat Bağlamında Ekolojik Sanat. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 2(3), 179–186. Retrieved from


