Examining the Effects of Teachers' Innovative Work Behaviors on Their Performance and Job Satisfaction

Öğretmenlerin Yenilikçi İş Davranışlarının Performanslarına ve İş Tatminlerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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Individual job performance, job satisfaction, teacher, innovative work behavior


The main objective of this study is to measure teachers' innovative work behaviors, performances and job satisfaction levels according to teachers' opinions, to examine the possible relationships between them and to determine significant differences in terms of demographic variables. The research was carried out with the relational screening model. As a result of the research; it can be said that teachers' job satisfaction, innovative work behavior and individual job performance perceptions are above average. In the examination according to gender; women's individual job performance perception was found to be higher than men. In the examination according to age; in terms of teachers' job satisfaction dimension; teachers aged 20-30 and 31-40 had higher job satisfaction perceptions than teachers aged 41-50. In the individual job performance dimension; teachers between the ages of 20-30 had higher individual job performance perceptions than teachers aged 31-40 and 51-60. In the examination according to marital status; married people's innovative work behavior and individual job performance perception were found to be higher than single people. In the examination according to professional experience; in terms of teachers' job satisfaction dimension; The job satisfaction perceptions of teachers with 6-10 years and 11-15 years of professional experience were found to be higher than those with 16-20 years and 20 years and above. In the examination according to the type of institution they work in; the innovative work behavior perceptions of teachers working in primary schools were found to be higher than those of teachers working in high schools. The individual job performance perceptions of teachers working in secondary schools were found to be higher than those of teachers working in primary and high schools. Finally, according to the perceptions of the teachers within the scope of the research, there is a low-level positive relationship between the general dimensions of job satisfaction and innovative work behavior. Again, there is a low-level positive relationship between the general dimensions of job satisfaction and individual job performance. Finally, there is a moderate positive relationship between the general dimensions of innovative work behavior and individual job performance. In addition, it is understood that teachers' innovative work behavior perceptions significantly positively predict teachers' job satisfaction perceptions. In other words, a 100-unit increase in teachers' innovative work behavior dimension increases teachers' job satisfaction perceptions by 33.5%. It is understood that teachers' innovative work behavior perceptions significantly positively predict teachers' individual job performance perceptions. In other words, a 100-unit increase in teachers' innovative work behavior dimension increases teachers' individual job performance perceptions by 44.6%.


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How to Cite

Eken, İsmail, Sevindi, A. A., & Sevindi, A. (2024). Examining the Effects of Teachers’ Innovative Work Behaviors on Their Performance and Job Satisfaction: Öğretmenlerin Yenilikçi İş Davranışlarının Performanslarına ve İş Tatminlerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(3), 272–282. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13885081


