Examining the Relationship Between the Leadership Behaviors of the Administrator and the Attitudes of Teachers Towards Professional Development

Yöneticinin Liderlik Davranışları ile Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Gelişime Yönelik Tutumları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

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Leadership behavior, professional development, school principal, teacher


The aim of this study is to determine the leadership perceptions and attitudes of teachers serving in Turkey towards professional development activities. This research was conducted using a relational screening model. According to the research results, the paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals and the attitude levels of teachers towards professional development were above average. In the examination according to the gender variable, it was revealed that the paternalistic leadership behaviors scale of school principals and the attitudes of teachers towards professional development did not differ according to women and men. In the examination according to age, a statistically significant difference was found only in the paternalistic leadership behaviors scale of school principals. Accordingly, it was found that the perception of paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals by teachers between the ages of 41-50 was higher than that of teachers aged 51 and above. On the other hand, the remaining scale dimensions did not differ according to age groups. In the examination according to marital status, the perception of paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals by married teachers was higher than that of single teachers. In addition, the perception of attitudes of single teachers towards professional development was higher than that of married teachers. In the examination according to educational status, a statistically significant difference was found only in the paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals. Accordingly, the perception of school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors by teachers with a master's degree was higher than that of undergraduates. In the examination according to professional experience status, a statistically significant difference was found in the scale of school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors and attitudes towards professional development according to teachers' professional experience. Accordingly, the perception of school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors by teachers with 11-15 years of professional experience was higher than that of teachers with 6-10 years, 16-20 years and 21 years and above professional experience. In addition, the perception of attitudes towards professional development by teachers with 1-5 years and 6-10 years of professional experience was higher than that of teachers with 11-15 years of professional experience. Finally, a significant low-level and positive relationship emerged between the participants' paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals and teachers' attitudes towards professional development.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, E., Özdemir, E., & Şeflek, A. (2024). Examining the Relationship Between the Leadership Behaviors of the Administrator and the Attitudes of Teachers Towards Professional Development: Yöneticinin Liderlik Davranışları ile Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Gelişime Yönelik Tutumları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(2), 137–146. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12580033


