Examining the Effect of Climate in Educational Institutions on Teachers' Job Satisfaction
Eğitim Kurumlarındaki İklimin Öğretmenlerin İş Doyumuna Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Organizational climate, job satisfaction, teacherAbstract
In this research, according to the opinions of the teachers; It was aimed to examine the effect of the climate in educational institutions on teachers' job satisfaction. Relational screening model was used in the research. According to the research results; The job satisfaction level was above average and the organizational climate level was below average. In this case, the level of job satisfaction perceived by the participants is quite high. According to teachers' perceptions, organizational climate and job satisfaction perceptions differ between men and women; It was revealed that it did not change according to educational status. The difference between the organizational climate and the arithmetic averages of the age groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the perception of organizational climate in the 31-40 age group is higher than the 41-50 age group. There was no statistically significant difference between the job satisfaction scale and the arithmetic averages of the age groups. Again, in line with the opinions of the teachers, it was revealed that the perceptions of organizational climate did not change depending on whether they were married or single. However, there is a statistical difference in job satisfaction perceptions. Accordingly, the job satisfaction perception of married teachers is higher than that of single teachers. The difference between the arithmetic averages of the organizational climate and professional experience groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the group with 11-15 years of experience perceived the organizational climate higher than the group with 0-5 years of professional experience and 16-20 years of professional experience. The difference between the arithmetic averages of job satisfaction and professional experience groups was found to be statistically significant. Accordingly, it was concluded that the job satisfaction perception of the group over 21 years was higher than that of the professional experience group of 0-5 years, 6-10 years and 16-20 years. Additionally, there is a significant, low-level and positive relationship between the organizational climate and job satisfaction of the teachers in the study. According to the regression analysis; It is understood that teachers' perceptions of organizational climate significantly and positively predict their perceptions of job satisfaction. In other words, a 100-unit increase in the organizational climate dimension increases job satisfaction perceptions by 93.2%.
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