The Effect of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction: A Study on Primary and Secondary Schools
Örgüt İkliminin İş Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisi: İlkokul ve Ortaokul Üzerinde Bir Araştırma
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Organizational climate, job satisfaction, teacherAbstract
This study aimed to determine the relationship between teachers' organizational climate and job satisfaction behaviors. As a result of the examination and review of the relevant literature, the researcher determined that there is a lack of studies on this subject. Therefore, this article aims to provide empirical evidence for the interrelationship between and among the selected variables covered in this study. The researcher used two scales (organizational climate and job satisfaction) quantitative research analysis method on 276 teachers working in the surrounding districts of Muş province. As a result of the research, in the gender variable of the teachers, sincere teacher behavior in the organizational climate and in favor of the female teacher; In the educational status variable, supportive manager behavior in the organizational climate and in favor of the undergraduate graduate; In the age variable, the age group of 46 and over perceives a higher degree of job satisfaction than the other age groups; It was found that organizational climate and job satisfaction behaviors did not change according to professional experience and marital status. In the general dimensions of organizational climate and job satisfaction, it was found that there is a positive relationship between supportive principal behavior, sincere and collaborative teacher behaviors and job satisfaction. It has been revealed that there is a negative relationship between the commanding and restrictive principal behavior and the indifferent teacher behavior and job satisfaction. On the other hand, in the organizational climate sub-dimensions of teachers, supportive principal and collaborative teacher behaviors affected job satisfaction positively, while indifferent teacher behavior negatively affected job satisfaction and suggestions were made regarding the relevant results.
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