Evaluation of Institution Managers in terms of Image Management and Corporate Image Management

Kurum Yöneticilerinin İmaj Yönetimi ve Kurumsal İmaj Yönetimleri Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi

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Appearance, first impression, image management, corporate image


In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the image management of non-formal education institution managers and to examine whether the institution managers create an image for their institutions. In the study, structured interview method was determined as data collection method and data analysis was determined as content analysis. The research population was selected as the administrators of Konya province Selçuklu, Sarayönü, Ilgın, Akşehir, Kadınhanı Public Education Centres working in the 2021 2022 Academic Year. According to the results of the research; the opinion that people about image management represent the institution and therefore should be supported by personal development has emerged. It was stated that communication is one of the most effective methods in this regard. On the other hand, the external appearance of the manager of the institution is also important. It was emphasised that an open communication policy would be appropriate for image management and that the tasks to be performed should be clearly expressible and measurable. On the other hand, it is emphasised that all employees should be consulted and their opinions should be taken. It is stated that in conflict situations based on disagreement, examples are given to persuade the other party and persuasion can be used to explain the positive aspects of their own ideas as image management used by the managers of the organisation. It is also argued that majoritarian decision-making mechanisms should be operated with a democratic approach.


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How to Cite

Zıngıl, G. M., Saltık, A., Uslu, E., & Çıyanlı, M. (2023). Evaluation of Institution Managers in terms of Image Management and Corporate Image Management: Kurum Yöneticilerinin İmaj Yönetimi ve Kurumsal İmaj Yönetimleri Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 2(3), 244–251. Retrieved from https://jmedusci.com/index.php/pub/article/view/31


