Examining the Effect of School Principal Leadership on Collaboration Among Teachers

Okul Müdürü Liderliğinin Öğretmenler Arası İşbirliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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Collaboration, school principal, school principal leadership, collaboration between teachers


This study aims to examine the effect of school principal leadership on cooperation among teachers. The research was conducted with a relational screening model. According to the research results; it is seen that the leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation perceptions of the teachers participating in the research are above average. In the examination according to gender; the leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation do not change according to female and male teachers. In the examination according to marital status; the perception of leadership styles of school principals by singles was higher than married ones. Again, the perception of school cooperation by singles was higher than married ones. In the examination according to age; the perception of leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation do not differ according to age groups. In the examination according to years of service; the perception of leadership styles of school principals by teachers with more than 11 years of service was higher than teachers with 1-5 years of service. On the other hand, the perceptions of school cooperation by teachers do not differ according to the service year groups. In the examination according to school level; the leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation perceptions do not differ according to their work at different school levels. Finally, there is a high level, significant and positive relationship between the participants' general scores of school principals' leadership styles and their perceptions of school collaboration. In addition, the school principals' leadership styles sub-dimension scores significantly predict their perceptions of school collaboration. Accordingly, a 100-unit increase in the participants' democratic leadership sub-dimension increases school collaboration behavior by 59.2%. In addition, a 100-unit increase in the participants' autocratic leadership sub-dimension increases school collaboration behavior by 22.5%. Again, a 100-unit increase in the participants' latitude leadership sub-dimension increases school collaboration behavior by 8.7%.


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How to Cite

Acar, M., Acar, V., Harmancı, M., & Harmancı, H. (2025). Examining the Effect of School Principal Leadership on Collaboration Among Teachers: Okul Müdürü Liderliğinin Öğretmenler Arası İşbirliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(4), 430–438. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14639437


