Examining the Relationship Between Organizational Power Bases Used by Administrators and Classroom Management Styles of Teachers

Yöneticilerin Kullandığı Örgütsel Güç Temelleri ile Öğretmenlerin Sınıf Yönetimi Stilleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

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Power type, classroom management styles, teacher


This study aimed to examine the relationship between the types of power used by school administrators and teachers' classroom management styles according to teachers' opinions. The research was designed as a relational screening model. As a result, it was determined that the general perceptions of the teachers who participated in the research about their power sources and the ways they use power were above average. In the examination by gender; in the general power type scale, men's power type perception scores were higher than women. In classroom management styles, women's authoritarian style scores were higher than men's scores. In the examination by marital status; in classroom management styles, singles' authoritarian style scores were higher than marrieds. In the examination by educational status; in the general dimension of classroom management styles, teachers with master's degree had higher classroom management style perception scores than bachelor's degree graduates. In the examination by age; in the general power type scale, the general power type perception score of the 41 and over group was higher than the 31-40 age group. In the examination by years of service; except for the reward power, personality power and general scale of power type and the free style sub-dimension scores, no difference was found in the scores according to the year of service variable. In the examination by school level; There was no difference according to the school level variable except for the reward, law, coercive power and oppressive style sub-dimension scores of the power type. In the relationship examination; there is a low-level, significant and positive relationship between the power type general scale and the classroom management styles general scale perception scores. In the effect examination; the participants' power type significantly predicts their classroom management styles perceptions. A 100-unit increase in the participants' coercive power sub-dimension increases classroom management styles behavior by 9.2%. Again, a 100-unit increase in the participants' personality power sub-dimension increases classroom management styles behavior by 12.1%.


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How to Cite

Kapgı, E., & Kapgı, H. G. (2024). Examining the Relationship Between Organizational Power Bases Used by Administrators and Classroom Management Styles of Teachers: Yöneticilerin Kullandığı Örgütsel Güç Temelleri ile Öğretmenlerin Sınıf Yönetimi Stilleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 3(3), 312–325. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13885115


