Education Management in Primary Schools During the Pandemic: The Bingöl Example
Pandemi Sürecinde İlkokullarda Eğitim Yönetimi: Bingöl Örneği

Education administration, school administrator, teacher, pandemicAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine how school administrators and classroom teachers managed education in primary schools and the difficulties they faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this research, which examined the education-related experiences of school administrators and classroom teachers in Bingöl province during the pandemic process, the qualitative research method was used. The participants of the research consist of school administrators and classroom teachers working in Bingöl center in the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. 10 of the participants are in managerial positions. The other participants were interviewed with 20 classroom teachers by selecting one teacher from each school. According to the results of the research; The difficulties and experiences experienced by teachers during the pandemic process caused teachers to gain experience in similar processes. It was observed that teachers and students who were distant from technology used technology more effectively and their interest in technology increased. It was seen that teachers and school administrators can use the distance education experience they gained during the pandemic process in negative situations that may occur later. It was understood that distance education during the pandemic process cannot replace formal education. However, the use of this method has been adopted by teachers in adverse situations similar to the pandemic. In line with the opinions of school administrators and teachers, many negative situations have been encountered during the pandemic process. The most encountered problems are; teachers and students not knowing what to do as a result of encountering such a situation for the first time, being distant from distance education and technology use, not being able to get the desired efficiency from students and the resulting decrease in motivation, students not being able to attend classes due to insufficient internet quota, and students' inadequacy of phone, tablet, and computer facilities. Among the suggestions for solving the problems experienced by school administrators and classroom teachers during the pandemic process, providing tablet and internet facilities to students who have difficulty accessing distance education and increasing the motivation of teachers and students have come to the fore. The importance of wep2 tools that will attract the attention of teachers and students during the distance education process has been understood and it has been seen that teachers will use these tools in formal education as well. It has been understood that the use of tools such as wep2, okulistik, morpakampüs, wordwall and Kahoot, which make the lesson more fun, is important in ensuring students' motivation during the pandemic process. The importance of guidance provided by teachers has been understood in the studies carried out to increase the motivation of parents during the pandemic process.
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