Investigating the Effect of Nicotine Addiction on Hope / Hopelessness and Self-Confidence in Young People from a Social Policy Perspective

Gençlerde Nikotin Bağımlılığının Umut-Umutsuzluk ve Özgüvene Etkisini Sosyal Politika Perspektifiyle İncelenmesi

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Young people, nicotine addiction, hopelessness, self-esteem, social policy


This study was designed to make general judgements about the determination of the level of smoking addiction in young people and to draw accurate conclusions about what can be done about this issue for the society. In addition, the study was conducted to determine the levels of hope/hopelessness and self-confidence in cigarette addicts and to reveal the relationship between cigarette addiction, hope/hopelessness and self-confidence with demographic variables. The population of the study, which was conducted with relational survey model, consists of young people aged between 10-29 in Ankara. According to the results of the research; it was revealed that the hopelessness levels of young people were above average, they had high self-confidence and nicotine addiction was at a low level. It was determined that 32,4% of the young people participating in the research, 32,4% of the father smokes at home; 27% of the age of starting smoking is between 10-15 and 16-18 years old; 40,5% of them started smoking due to stress; 32,4% of them smoke 6-10 cigarettes daily; 43,2% of them did not make any attempt to quit smoking and 44,6% of them stated that the effective method to quit smoking is to create basic policies with family education on "Smoking is harmful". There was no relationship between the general dimensions of beck hope/hopelessness, fagerström nicotine addiction and self-confidence. However, it was revealed that beck hope/hopelessness in young people positively affected nicotine addiction.


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How to Cite

Ayhan, Z. (2023). Investigating the Effect of Nicotine Addiction on Hope / Hopelessness and Self-Confidence in Young People from a Social Policy Perspective: Gençlerde Nikotin Bağımlılığının Umut-Umutsuzluk ve Özgüvene Etkisini Sosyal Politika Perspektifiyle İncelenmesi. Journal of Management and Educational Sciences, 2(3), 217–227. Retrieved from


