Journal of Management and Educational Sciences <p>Dergi Hakkında</p> <p>Merhaba...</p> <p>JMEDUSCI, Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'dir. Dergi ilk sayısını 2022 yılında yılda dört kez (Mart, Haziran, Eylül, Aralık) yayınlanan ulusal hakemli bir dergi olarak yayımlamıştır. JMEDUSCI Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Türkiye'den ve tüm dünyadan yönetim ve eğitim bilimlerinin her alanında özgün, yayınlanmamış, yayınlanmamış makale ve derlemeleri bilim dünyasına sunmak amacıyla kurulmuştur.</p> <p>JMEDUSCI Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'ne gönderilen makaleler daha sonra benzerlik açısından kontrol edilir. Benzerlik kontrolü İ veya Turnitin programı ile yapılır, benzerlik oranı %20'yi geçmemelidir. Arama sonucunda makalenin benzerlik indeksi (SI) %20'nin üzerinde ise makale ilgili yazar(lar)a geri gönderilerek SI'sının %20'nin altına düşürülmesi sağlanır. Gerekli düzeltmelerin yapılmaması halinde makale reddedilir.</p> <p>Yazarlar dergimize yayınlanmak üzere gönderdikleri eserlerin telif haklarını JMEDUSCI Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'ne devretmiş sayılırlar. Yazarların değerlendirmeleri dergimizin resmi görüşü olarak kabul edilemez. Çalışmaların tüm sorumlulukları yazarlara aittir. Araştırma ürünleri için etik kurul raporu isteniyorsa, bu raporun çalışma üzerine alındığı belirtilmeli ve kurul raporu sisteme kaydedilmelidir. Araştırmayla ilgili intihal, atıf manipülasyonu, sahte veri üretimi vb. Suistimaller tespit edilirse yayın ve etik ilkelere uyulur. Bu durumda eserin yayımlanmasını engellemek, yayından kaldırmak veya başka eylemlerde bulunmak için gerekli prosedürler izlenir.</p> <p>2023 bahar döneminden itibaren makaleler uluslararası yazar kimlik numarası ORCID ile yayınlanacaktır.</p> <p>Dergi ekibi, dergimizin ulusal ve uluslararası indeksler tarafından taranan bir dergi olması için gayretle çalışmaktadır. Dergimize gösterilen ilgi bizi bu yönde cesaretlendirecektir.</p> <p>Odak ve Kapsam</p> <p>JMEDUSCI, Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'dir. Dergide; Yönetim, örgütsel davranış, yönetsel davranış, eğitim ve alt dalları, okul yönetimi alanlarında özgün araştırmalar değerlendirilmektedir.</p> 2980-0609 en-US Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2980-0609 Investigating the Effect of Creative Leadership Characteristics of School Principals on Professional Motivation of Teachers <p>This study aims to examine the effects of school principals' creative leadership characteristics on teachers' professional motivation according to teachers' opinions. A relational screening model was used in the study. According to the results of the study; teachers' professional motivation and school principals' creative leadership perception levels were found to be above average. In the examination according to gender; it was revealed that school principals' creative leadership and teachers' professional motivation perceptions did not change according to women and men. In the examination according to age; the difference between teachers' professional motivation and creative leadership perceptions and age groups was found to be statistically significant and it was concluded that teachers over the age of 41 had higher professional motivation perceptions than teachers between the ages of 31-40; teachers between the ages of 31-40 and 41 and above had higher creative leadership perceptions than teachers between the ages of 22-30. In the examination according to professional experience; the difference was found to be statistically significant and it was revealed that teachers with 1-5 years of professional experience had higher professional motivation perceptions than teachers with 6-10 years and 11-15 years of professional experience; school principals' creative leadership perceptions did not change according to differences in professional experience. In the examination according to marital status, teachers' creative leadership perceptions and professional motivations do not change according to married or single status. In addition, a statistically significant, moderate and positive relationship was found between school principals' creative leadership and teachers' professional motivation perceptions. Finally, according to teachers' perceptions; school principals' creative leadership perceptions significantly predict teachers' professional motivation perceptions. In other words, a 100-unit increase in school principals' creative leadership dimension increases teachers' professional motivation perceptions by 39.5%.</p> Ömer Ekici Yasemin Ekici Gülşen Konakcı Emre Büyükbahçıvan Ahmet Kunt Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 3 2 128 136 10.5281/zenodo.11639591 Examining the Relationship Between the Leadership Behaviors of the Administrator and the Attitudes of Teachers Towards Professional Development <p>The aim of this study is to determine the leadership perceptions and attitudes of teachers serving in Turkey towards professional development activities. This research was conducted using a relational screening model. According to the research results, the paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals and the attitude levels of teachers towards professional development were above average. In the examination according to the gender variable, it was revealed that the paternalistic leadership behaviors scale of school principals and the attitudes of teachers towards professional development did not differ according to women and men. In the examination according to age, a statistically significant difference was found only in the paternalistic leadership behaviors scale of school principals. Accordingly, it was found that the perception of paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals by teachers between the ages of 41-50 was higher than that of teachers aged 51 and above. On the other hand, the remaining scale dimensions did not differ according to age groups. In the examination according to marital status, the perception of paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals by married teachers was higher than that of single teachers. In addition, the perception of attitudes of single teachers towards professional development was higher than that of married teachers. In the examination according to educational status, a statistically significant difference was found only in the paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals. Accordingly, the perception of school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors by teachers with a master's degree was higher than that of undergraduates. In the examination according to professional experience status, a statistically significant difference was found in the scale of school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors and attitudes towards professional development according to teachers' professional experience. Accordingly, the perception of school principals' paternalistic leadership behaviors by teachers with 11-15 years of professional experience was higher than that of teachers with 6-10 years, 16-20 years and 21 years and above professional experience. In addition, the perception of attitudes towards professional development by teachers with 1-5 years and 6-10 years of professional experience was higher than that of teachers with 11-15 years of professional experience. Finally, a significant low-level and positive relationship emerged between the participants' paternalistic leadership behaviors of school principals and teachers' attitudes towards professional development.</p> Emine Özdemir Erhan Özdemir Ali Şeflek Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 3 2 137 146 10.5281/zenodo.12580033 Primary EFL Teachers' Views on Internet-Assisted Language Teaching <p>Internet-assisted language education (IALE) is a frequently used method among contemporary language teaching strategies. The aim of the study is to collect the opinions of English teachers working in primary schools in Turkey regarding ILE. This study aims to measure not only the opinions of teachers on the use of Internet-based resources, but also their skills in using the Internet and whether they feel confident about it. In addition, this study investigates what kind of Internet-based activities teachers widely use and what reasons prevent them from using Internet-based resources in the classroom. This quantitative research is conducted with the opinions of 70 English teachers between the ages of 20 and 56 working in primary schools in Turkey. Data is collected through a 5-scale survey and multiple-choice questions via Google Forms. The results show that teachers have a positive attitude towards IALE and want to improve themselves in this regard to a great extent. However, there is an inconsistency in the opinions of teachers on whether they need training to further develop their Internet use in the future. In addition, teachers' opinions vary in terms of whether they consider themselves competent in using the Internet and whether they feel sensitive about IALE. The results are discussed to some extent in order to understand how the IALE operates in primary schools in Turkey.</p> Aras Celal Ayşe Betül Toplu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 2 147 158 10.5281/zenodo.12601602 Differences Between Narratology Pioneers <p>Naratology is a theory of narrative. To put it in other words; Naratology is a way of expressing narrative structures. However it examines the common points of all narratives and the various qualities that distinguish them from each other. In addition, it aims to express many various norms and mechanisms regarding narrative production and processing. The term “Naratology” was coined by Tzvetan Todorov in Grammarie Du Decameron and is known to be derived from the French word "narratologie". By the way, Naratology etymologically refers to the scientific aspect of narrative. Different concepts are discussed and evaluated within Naratology. And in this research, some differences between the premises existing in the science of naratology will be mentioned.</p> Mete Hakan Akçınar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 2 159 166 10.5281/zenodo.12601763 Transformation of Trade Union Rights: The Effects of Law No. 6356 on Workers and Employers in Turkey <p>Representing a significant transformation in union movements and labor law, Law No. 6356 on Trade Unions and Collective Labor Agreements has brought innovations in fundamental labor law issues such as union organization, collective labor agreements, strikes, and lockouts. This law makes significant contributions to the protection and development of worker rights, the establishment of fair working conditions, and the enhancement of the general welfare of society. This study addresses the effects of the law on worker and employer relations. In this context, the study sheds light on the development of union movements in Turkey and evaluates the practical outcomes of the innovations introduced by the law. In light of these evaluations, it has been concluded that Law No. 6356 has significantly transformed Turkey's practices in labor law and unionism. The changes and effects brought by the law will play a fundamental role in shaping the trends and policies in the field of labor law</p> Mohammed Jumaah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 2 167 174 10.5281/zenodo.12602085 Education Management in Primary Schools During the Pandemic: The Bingöl Example <p>The aim of this study is to examine how school administrators and classroom teachers managed education in primary schools and the difficulties they faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this research, which examined the education-related experiences of school administrators and classroom teachers in Bingöl province during the pandemic process, the qualitative research method was used. The participants of the research consist of school administrators and classroom teachers working in Bingöl center in the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. 10 of the participants are in managerial positions. The other participants were interviewed with 20 classroom teachers by selecting one teacher from each school. According to the results of the research; The difficulties and experiences experienced by teachers during the pandemic process caused teachers to gain experience in similar processes. It was observed that teachers and students who were distant from technology used technology more effectively and their interest in technology increased. It was seen that teachers and school administrators can use the distance education experience they gained during the pandemic process in negative situations that may occur later. It was understood that distance education during the pandemic process cannot replace formal education. However, the use of this method has been adopted by teachers in adverse situations similar to the pandemic. In line with the opinions of school administrators and teachers, many negative situations have been encountered during the pandemic process. The most encountered problems are; teachers and students not knowing what to do as a result of encountering such a situation for the first time, being distant from distance education and technology use, not being able to get the desired efficiency from students and the resulting decrease in motivation, students not being able to attend classes due to insufficient internet quota, and students' inadequacy of phone, tablet, and computer facilities. Among the suggestions for solving the problems experienced by school administrators and classroom teachers during the pandemic process, providing tablet and internet facilities to students who have difficulty accessing distance education and increasing the motivation of teachers and students have come to the fore. The importance of wep2 tools that will attract the attention of teachers and students during the distance education process has been understood and it has been seen that teachers will use these tools in formal education as well. It has been understood that the use of tools such as wep2, okulistik, morpakampüs, wordwall and Kahoot, which make the lesson more fun, is important in ensuring students' motivation during the pandemic process. The importance of guidance provided by teachers has been understood in the studies carried out to increase the motivation of parents during the pandemic process.</p> Rıza Şenlik Ayşe Şenlik Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-07-27 2024-07-27 3 2 175 190 10.5281/zenodo.1309877 Examining Classroom Teachers' Views on the Nature of Science <p>The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of teachers actively working in the Ministry of National Education in Bingöl province and its districts regarding the nature of science and to determine the significant differences, if any, between them. The universe of the study consists of teachers actively working in Bingöl province and its districts. The sample consists of 221 teachers working. Data were collected through a survey using the convenience sampling method. The “Nature of Science Survey” was used to determine the participants’ views on the nature of science. The participants’ attitudes towards the statements in the survey were examined with frequency distribution and percentage distribution for each question. In order to reveal whether there were differences according to the socio-demographic variables and the dimensions of the nature of science, firstly normality assumption analyses were applied and according to the results, whether there were differences with the socio-demographic variables or not was tested with the statistical tests independent T-test and ANOVA tests and the results were interpreted. It was found that the perceptions of the nature of science of the teachers working in Bingöl were above average. In addition, it was determined that there were differences in teachers' perceptions of the nature of science according to their gender, age, marital status, educational status and years of service. On the other hand, it was revealed that teachers' perceptions did not change with the education they received regarding the nature of science. In this sense, as a suggestion of the research; In order to develop teacher candidates' understanding of the nature of science (in university education), it can be tested for a longer period of time and with a larger sample and applied in different subject areas. In addition, since the dominant understanding of science today will allow teacher candidates to change/develop, it is suggested that the topics related to the nature of science and its components be integrated into argumentation activities and presented directly to teacher candidates.</p> Seçil Kaysadu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-07-27 2024-07-27 3 2 191 205 10.5281/zenodo.13099292 Comparative Analysis of Student Performance in Online (Web-Based) and Face-to-Face Courses <p>In this research, web-supported teaching, web-based teaching and traditional teaching methods are compared in terms of their effects on student success. The research design used in the study is a 3x2 split-plot (mixed) design. According to the research results; It was determined that there was an increase in the success of the groups in which traditional, web-based and web-assisted teaching methods were applied, according to the tests applied before and after the experiment. It was determined that there was no difference between the pre-test results in all three groups where different teaching methods were applied. It was determined that there was a difference between the post-test results of the three different groups, to which different teaching methods were applied, after the experiment. In other words, there is a difference in post-test applications between groups in terms of student success. It is seen that the third group, for which the web-based teaching method was applied for the Spreadsheets (MS Excel) module, was the most successful group, the second group, for which the web-based teaching method was applied, was the second successful group, and the first group, for which the traditional teaching method was applied, was the least successful group. In the Information and Communication (MS Outlook) module, it was determined that there was an increase in the success of the groups in which traditional, web-based and web-assisted teaching methods were applied, according to the tests applied before and after the experiment. It was determined that there was no difference between the pre-test results in all three groups where different teaching methods were applied. In other words, there is no difference in terms of student achievement between groups. It was determined that there was no difference between the post-test results of the groups to which the traditional and web-based teaching method was applied in terms of student success among the groups to which different teaching methods were applied, but there was a difference between the post-test results of the groups to which the web-assisted teaching method and both traditional and web-based teaching methods were applied. For the Information and Communication (MS Outlook) module, it is seen that the third group, for which the web-based teaching method was applied, was the most successful group, and there was no difference between the success of the second group, for which the web-based teaching method was applied, and the first group, for which the traditional teaching method was applied.</p> Hale Kesici Taş Halil Erbil Güner Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-07-27 2024-07-27 3 2 206 218 10.5281/zenodo.13099888