Journal of Management and Educational Sciences <p>Dergi Hakkında</p> <p>Merhaba...</p> <p>JMEDUSCI, Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'dir. Dergi ilk sayısını 2022 yılında yılda dört kez (Mart, Haziran, Eylül, Aralık) yayınlanan ulusal hakemli bir dergi olarak yayımlamıştır. JMEDUSCI Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Türkiye'den ve tüm dünyadan yönetim ve eğitim bilimlerinin her alanında özgün, yayınlanmamış, yayınlanmamış makale ve derlemeleri bilim dünyasına sunmak amacıyla kurulmuştur.</p> <p>JMEDUSCI Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'ne gönderilen makaleler daha sonra benzerlik açısından kontrol edilir. Benzerlik kontrolü İ veya Turnitin programı ile yapılır, benzerlik oranı %20'yi geçmemelidir. Arama sonucunda makalenin benzerlik indeksi (SI) %20'nin üzerinde ise makale ilgili yazar(lar)a geri gönderilerek SI'sının %20'nin altına düşürülmesi sağlanır. Gerekli düzeltmelerin yapılmaması halinde makale reddedilir.</p> <p>Yazarlar dergimize yayınlanmak üzere gönderdikleri eserlerin telif haklarını JMEDUSCI Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'ne devretmiş sayılırlar. Yazarların değerlendirmeleri dergimizin resmi görüşü olarak kabul edilemez. Çalışmaların tüm sorumlulukları yazarlara aittir. Araştırma ürünleri için etik kurul raporu isteniyorsa, bu raporun çalışma üzerine alındığı belirtilmeli ve kurul raporu sisteme kaydedilmelidir. Araştırmayla ilgili intihal, atıf manipülasyonu, sahte veri üretimi vb. Suistimaller tespit edilirse yayın ve etik ilkelere uyulur. Bu durumda eserin yayımlanmasını engellemek, yayından kaldırmak veya başka eylemlerde bulunmak için gerekli prosedürler izlenir.</p> <p>2023 bahar döneminden itibaren makaleler uluslararası yazar kimlik numarası ORCID ile yayınlanacaktır.</p> <p>Dergi ekibi, dergimizin ulusal ve uluslararası indeksler tarafından taranan bir dergi olması için gayretle çalışmaktadır. Dergimize gösterilen ilgi bizi bu yönde cesaretlendirecektir.</p> <p>Odak ve Kapsam</p> <p>JMEDUSCI, Yönetim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi'dir. Dergide; Yönetim, örgütsel davranış, yönetsel davranış, eğitim ve alt dalları, okul yönetimi alanlarında özgün araştırmalar değerlendirilmektedir.</p> 2980-0609 en-US Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2980-0609 Examining the Effects of Toxic Administrator Behaviors on Teachers' Classroom Management Style <p>This study aimed to investigate the effects of toxic administrator behaviors on teachers' classroom management styles according to teachers' opinions. The research was carried out with the relational screening model. According to the research result; it is seen that the general toxic leadership score average is 1.83±0.91. The general attitude score average of the teachers' classroom management styles is 3.29±0.43. As a result, it is seen that the toxic leadership perceptions of the teachers who participated in the research are well below the average and their classroom management style perceptions are above the average. In the examination according to gender, the toxic leadership and classroom management style perceptions of the teachers who participated in the research do not change according to being male or female. In the examination according to marital status, the toxic leadership and classroom management style perceptions of the teachers who participated in the research do not change according to being married or single. In the examination according to educational status, in terms of the general dimension of toxic leadership, the toxic leadership perceptions of teachers who are postgraduate graduates are higher than those who are bachelor's graduates. On the other hand, it was revealed that the perceptions of classroom management styles do not change according to bachelor's or master's degree status. In the examination according to age groups, in the general dimension of toxic leadership of the participants; Teachers aged 31-40 had a higher perception of toxic leadership than teachers aged 41-50 and 51 and above. There was no statistical difference between classroom management styles and age groups. In the examination according to the years of service groups, the toxic leadership perception of teachers aged 11-15 years was higher than teachers aged 20 and above in terms of the general dimension of toxic leadership. There was no statistical difference between the classroom management styles and years of service groups. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant difference between teachers' perceptions of toxic leadership total scores and classroom management styles total scores. In addition, teachers' perceptions of toxic leadership total scores did not predict their perceptions of classroom management styles total scores in any way.</p> Bayram Demiröz Galip Kaynar Hüseyin Aşçı Samettin Demiröz Veysel Bediz Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 326 334 10.5281/zenodo.14639073 Examining the Relationship Between Teachers’ Classroom Management Styles and Attitudes Towards Professional Development <p>This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers' classroom management styles and their attitudes towards professional development. This research was conducted with a relational screening model. According to the research results, it was revealed that the general mean score of teachers' attitudes towards professional development was 3.01±0.37; the general mean score of classroom management styles was 3.72±0.49. As a result, it was seen that the attitudes towards professional development and perceptions of classroom management styles of the teachers participating in the research were above the average. In the examination according to gender, teachers' attitudes towards professional development and classroom management styles did not change according to being male or female. In the examination according to marital status, teachers' attitudes towards professional development and classroom management styles did not change according to being married or single. In the examination according to educational status, teachers' attitudes towards professional development and classroom management styles did not change according to undergraduate or graduate education. In the examination according to age groups, teachers' attitudes towards professional development and classroom management styles did not change according to age groups. In the examination according to service year groups, teachers' attitudes towards professional development and classroom management styles did not change according to service year groups. There was no statistically significant relationship between teachers' attitudes towards professional development and their perceptions of classroom management styles total scores. On the other hand, teachers' total scores of their attitudes towards professional development do not significantly predict their perceptions of classroom management styles total scores.</p> Gökhan Bilek Hüseyin Akıncı Mehmet Servet Cünedioğlu Murat Çavaş Sezgin Ertürk Şenol Ünal Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 335 343 10.5281/zenodo.14639102 Examining the Effect of Teachers' School Climate Attitudes on Classroom Management Styles <p>This study aims to examine the effects of teachers' perceptions of school climate on classroom management styles according to teachers' opinions. This study was conducted with a relational screening model. According to the research results; it is seen that teachers' perceptions of school climate and classroom management styles are above average. In the examination according to gender; male teachers' perception of classroom management is higher than female teachers. On the other hand, it was revealed that the perception of school climate does not change according to female or male teachers. In the examination according to marital status; classroom management styles and school climate scales do not change according to married or single status. In the examination according to educational status; in the general dimension of school climate, the perceptions of school climate of teachers with bachelor's degree were higher than those with postgraduate degrees. On the other hand, it was revealed that the perceptions of classroom management styles do not change according to bachelor's or master's degree graduation status. In the examination according to age groups; classroom management styles and school climate perceptions do not change according to age groups. In the examination according to year of service groups; classroom management styles and school climate perceptions do not change according to year of service groups. There is no statistically significant relationship between the participants' perceptions of school climate total scores and classroom management styles total scores. In addition, school climate total scores do not significantly predict classroom management styles total score perceptions.</p> Filiz Bilek Filiz Kafalı Rabia Karabacak Şerife Doğan Zarife Delice Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 344 351 10.5281/zenodo.14639178 Examining the Relationship Between the School Principal's Leadership Behaviors and Teachers' Attitudes Towards Professional Development <p>This study aimed to examine the relationship between the school principal's leadership behaviors and teachers' attitudes towards professional development according to the teachers' opinions. The research was carried out with the relational screening model. According to the research result; the participants' scores are related to the school principal's leadership behaviors and teachers' attitudes towards professional development and their general attitudes. According to the teachers who participated in the research; it is seen that the school principal's leadership behaviors and teachers' perceptions of their attitudes towards professional development are above the average. In the examination according to gender; no statistically significant difference was found between the school principal's leadership behaviors and teachers' attitudes towards professional development and their gender. In the examination according to marital status; married teachers' perception of the school principal's leadership behaviors was found to be higher than single teachers. In addition, single teachers' perception of attitudes towards professional development was found to be higher than married teachers. In the examination according to educational status; teachers with master's degrees had higher attitudes towards professional development than those with bachelor's degrees. On the other hand, it was revealed that the perceptions of the school principal's leadership behaviors did not change according to bachelor's or master's degree status. In the examination according to age groups; The perceptions of teachers between the ages of 41-50 towards professional development were higher than those between the ages of 31-40. In the examination according to the years of service; there was no statistically significant difference between the leadership behaviors of the school principal and the attitudes of teachers towards professional development and the variable of the years of service. Finally, there was no statistically significant relationship between the scores of the leadership behaviors of the school principal and the perceptions of the attitude scores of the teachers towards professional development. In addition, the total scores of the leadership behaviors of the school principal did not predict the attitudes of teachers towards professional development in a statistically significant way.</p> Adem Ertekin Emre Karayumak Mehmet Tapsız Saadet Ertekin Sibel Tapsız Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 352 361 10.5281/zenodo.14639207 Examining the Effect of Collaboration Among Teachers on Innovative Work Behavior <p>This study aims to examine the effect of collaboration between teachers on innovative work behavior in schools. The research was conducted with a relational screening model. According to the results of the research; teachers' perceptions of school collaboration and innovative work behavior were above average. In the examination according to gender; teachers' school collaboration and innovative work behavior did not change according to women and men. In the examination according to marital status; teachers' school collaboration and innovative work behavior did not change according to married and single. In the examination according to age groups; teachers' school collaboration and innovative work behavior did not change according to age groups. In the examination according to service year groups; teachers' school collaboration and innovative work behavior did not change according to service year groups. Finally, there is a low-level, significant and positive relationship between teachers' perceptions of school collaboration and innovative work behavior. In addition, it is understood that teachers' perceptions of school collaboration significantly predict their perceptions of innovative work behavior in a positive way. In other words, a 100-unit increase in the participants' school collaboration dimension increases innovative work behavior by 32.5%.</p> Funda Doğan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 362 369 10.5281/zenodo.14639229 Examining the Relationship Between Teachers' School Climate and Their Attitudes Towards School Bullying <p>This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers' perceptions of school climate and their attitudes towards school bullying. The research was carried out with the relational screening model. According to the results of the research; it is seen that the teacher attitudes towards school bullying of the teachers who participated in the research are below average and their perceptions of school climate are above average. The fact that teacher attitudes towards school bullying are below average can be said that teachers are sensitive to school bullying and they do not allow bullying in schools. The fact that school climate perceptions are above average can be said that the working environment in the schools they work in is a democratic learning environment suitable for education and training. In the examination according to gender; male teachers' attitudes towards school bullying were higher than female teachers. On the other hand, school climate perceptions do not change according to women and men. In the examination according to marital status; teachers' attitudes towards school bullying and their perceptions of school climate do not change according to their married and single status. In the examination according to educational status; teachers' attitudes towards school bullying and their perceptions of school climate do not change according to their undergraduate and graduate education. In the examination according to age groups; teachers' attitudes towards school bullying and perceptions of school climate do not change according to age groups. In the examination according to service year groups; perceptions of school bullying of teachers with 6-10 years of service were found to be higher than teachers with 11 years of service and above. Finally, there is a low-level, significant and negative relationship between teachers' attitudes towards school bullying and perceptions of school climate. In addition, teachers' perceptions of school climate significantly predict teachers' attitudes towards school bullying. Accordingly, a 100-unit increase in the success factors sub-dimension of teachers' school climate reduces school bullying behavior by 23.1%. Again, a 100-unit increase in the conflict sub-dimension of teachers' school climate reduces school bullying behavior by 15.3%.</p> Onur Kafalı Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 370 379 10.5281/zenodo.14639270 The Role and Importance of eTwinning Projects in Sustainable Education <p>The aim of this research is to deeply examine the effects of eTwinning projects on students and teachers and to reveal the contributions of these projects to educational processes. In addition, it aims to understand the reflections of project experiences of teachers and students on educational practices and learning processes by investigating the experiences of the participants and the transformational effects of eTwinning on individuals. The general screening model was used in the research. According to the conclusions of the research; eTwinning projects enable students to meet cultural diversity, understand different perspectives and grow up as global citizens. The project-based collaborative learning approach focuses on developing active participation, problem solving, creative thinking and communication skills by focusing on students. eTwinning projects offer students interactive and meaningful learning experiences to achieve these goals. In terms of their contributions to school culture, eTwinning projects encourage student-centered learning environments, students' active roles in teams increase their cultural awareness and contribute to their awareness of digital citizenship rights. According to technology use skills; eTwinning projects aim to provide students with digital competence. Projects provide students with the opportunity to use various digital tools effectively and help students develop their skills in this area by actively using information and communication technologies. eTwinning projects play an important role in strengthening 21st century skills, increasing cultural understanding, encouraging student-centered learning and developing technology use skills. These projects support the transformation in education and help students and teachers become more equipped and versatile individuals. According to the participants' views, students thought about what steps they should take in the face of the difficulties they encountered in the projects and tried to find solutions. These experiences broadened their perspectives on real-life problems and made them aware of various issues. For example, in projects for stray animals, students' production of practical solutions such as building or feeding nests enabled them to become sensitive and solution-oriented individuals not only in the projects but also in their real lives. In addition, the projects developed skills such as time management, cooperation, planning and project management. While students worked to complete their projects within a certain period of time, they understood the importance of time and gained systematic working habits. In terms of their effects on creativity, the projects showed that students developed their problem-solving abilities and creative thinking skills. Students have produced new ideas by collaborating with peers from different cultures and perspectives. The role of eTwinning projects in education provides an important platform for students to develop global citizenship awareness. These projects provide students with the opportunity to collaborate internationally and develop their digital creativity skills. In conclusion, eTwinning projects are one of the effective examples of project-based collaborative learning approaches and provide a number of advantages to students, teachers, school culture and technology use skills in various aspects discussed in this research.</p> Pınar İnce Kadir Çelik Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 3 4 380 400 10.5281/zenodo.14639284 The Principle of Use of Force and Proportionality in the Transfer of the State's Monopoly of Power to Law Enforcement Forces <p>This study aims to deeply examine the principle of proportionality in the context of the use of force by law enforcement officers and its role in maintaining public order. The legal basis, types and areas of application of the authority to use force granted to law enforcement officers for the purpose of maintaining public order have been addressed, and in this context, important emphasis has been placed on how the authority granted to law enforcement officers is limited in line with the principles of the rule of law and human rights. The functioning of the principle of proportionality, based on the European Convention on Human Rights, has been examined in connection with examples of implementation in Turkey, and the examples of cases that arise when law enforcement officers act contrary to the principle of proportionality and their legal consequences have been analyzed. This analysis aims to comprehensively evaluate individual and administrative responsibilities in terms of the limits and responsibilities of the use of force by law enforcement officers. As a result, it has been emphasized that a balance must be established between the protection of individual rights and freedoms and the provision of justice when using state power.</p> Yusuf Orman Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 3 4 401 412 10.5281/zenodo.14639293 Examining the Impact of Organizational Culture on Teacher Professional Learning <p>This study aims to examine the effect of organizational culture on teachers' professional learning according to teachers' opinions. The study was conducted with a relational screening model. According to the research results; teachers' professional learning and organizational culture perceptions were above average. Especially the high average of teachers' professional learning shows the importance that teachers give to their professions. In the examination according to gender; teachers' professional learning and organizational culture perceptions do not change according to male or female. In the examination according to age groups; teachers' professional learning and organizational culture perceptions do not change according to age groups. In the examination according to years of service; teachers' professional learning and organizational culture perceptions do not change according to years of service groups. In the examination according to their participation in professional development courses; the perception of teachers who participate in professional development courses every year is higher than those who do not participate in any courses. On the other hand, organizational culture perceptions do not change according to their participation in professional development courses. Finally, there is a moderate, significant and positive relationship between teachers' professional learning scores and organizational culture scores. Again, teachers' organizational culture perceptions significantly predict their professional learning perceptions. Accordingly, a 100-unit increase in the organizational culture dimension of the participants increases professional learning behavior by 32.9%.</p> Ali Serdar Şenel Süleyman Bağ İbrahim Nalbant Hatice Uğur Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-01-01 2025-01-01 3 4 413 420 10.5281/zenodo.14639368 Examining the Effect of School Principal Leadership on School Culture <p>This study aims to examine the effect of school principal leadership on school culture. The study was conducted using a relational screening model. According to the results of the study; it is seen that school principals' leadership styles and school culture perceptions are above average. In the examination according to gender; male school principals' leadership perception is higher than females. Again, male school culture perception is higher than females. In the examination according to marital status; according to teachers' opinions, school principals' leadership styles and school culture perceptions do not change according to married and single status. In the examination according to age; according to teachers' opinions, school principals' leadership styles and school culture perceptions do not change according to age groups. In the examination according to years of service; according to teachers' opinions, school principals' leadership styles and school culture perceptions do not change according to service year groups. In the examination according to school level; according to teachers' opinions, school principals' leadership styles and school culture perceptions do not change according to schools at different levels. Finally, according to teachers' opinions, there is a high-level, significant and positive relationship between school principals' leadership styles and school culture perceptions. In addition, school principals' leadership styles significantly predict school culture total score perceptions. Accordingly, a 100-unit increase in the participants' democratic leadership sub-dimension increases school culture behavior by 48.6%. Again, a 100-unit increase in the participants' autocratic leadership sub-dimension increases school culture behavior by 18.1%.</p> Ergün Çınar Sinan Aksoy Cemil Çetinkaya Merve Tekeli Aksoy Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 3 4 421 429 10.5281/zenodo.14639405 Examining the Effect of School Principal Leadership on Collaboration Among Teachers <p>This study aims to examine the effect of school principal leadership on cooperation among teachers. The research was conducted with a relational screening model. According to the research results; it is seen that the leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation perceptions of the teachers participating in the research are above average. In the examination according to gender; the leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation do not change according to female and male teachers. In the examination according to marital status; the perception of leadership styles of school principals by singles was higher than married ones. Again, the perception of school cooperation by singles was higher than married ones. In the examination according to age; the perception of leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation do not differ according to age groups. In the examination according to years of service; the perception of leadership styles of school principals by teachers with more than 11 years of service was higher than teachers with 1-5 years of service. On the other hand, the perceptions of school cooperation by teachers do not differ according to the service year groups. In the examination according to school level; the leadership styles of school principals and school cooperation perceptions do not differ according to their work at different school levels. Finally, there is a high level, significant and positive relationship between the participants' general scores of school principals' leadership styles and their perceptions of school collaboration. In addition, the school principals' leadership styles sub-dimension scores significantly predict their perceptions of school collaboration. Accordingly, a 100-unit increase in the participants' democratic leadership sub-dimension increases school collaboration behavior by 59.2%. In addition, a 100-unit increase in the participants' autocratic leadership sub-dimension increases school collaboration behavior by 22.5%. Again, a 100-unit increase in the participants' latitude leadership sub-dimension increases school collaboration behavior by 8.7%.</p> Mustafa Acar Vesile Acar Mustafa Harmancı Hatice Harmancı Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 3 4 430 438 10.5281/zenodo.14639437 Examining the Relationship Between Educators' Stress Management and Their Job Success <p>This study aimed to examine the relationship between educators' stress management and job success. This research was conducted with the relational screening model. According to the research results; it is seen that educators' perceptions of coping with stress and individual job performance are above average. In the examination by gender; educators' coping with stress and individual job performances do not vary according to women and men. In the examination by marital status; educators' coping with stress and individual job performances do not vary according to married or single status. In the examination by educational status; educators' coping with stress and individual job performances do not vary according to bachelor's or master's degree graduation status. In the examination by age groups; educators' coping with stress and individual job performances do not vary according to age groups. In the examination by years of service; educators with 6-10 years of service had a higher perception of coping with stress than those with 1-5 years, 11-15 years and 16-20 years of service. In addition, the perception of individual job performance of educators with 6-10 years of service was higher than those with 1-5 years of service. In the examination according to the position they work in; the coping with stress and individual job performance of educators do not change according to their positions in the school. Finally, there is a moderate, significant and positive relationship between the perception of coping with stress and the average score of individual job performance of educators. Again, the perception of coping with stress of educators significantly predicts the perception of average score of individual job performance. In other words, a 100-unit increase in the dimension of coping with stress of educators increases individual job performance behavior by 62.7%.</p> Züleyha Yeşim Ümmetoğlu Sevda Bedür Karaağaç Levent Karaağaç Ali Civcir Derya Ergin Feryat Demirci Berrin Muslu Haci Eroğlu Fatih Mehmet Bardakçı Ömer Özgün Akbulut Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-02-12 2025-02-12 3 4 439 448 10.5281/zenodo.14863473 Examining the Effect of Teachers’ Occupational Alienation on Their Individual Job Performance <p>This study aimed to investigate the effect of teachers' occupational alienation on their individual job performance. The research was conducted with the relational screening model. According to the research results; it was revealed that the individual job performances of the teachers participating in the research were high and their perception of job alienation was low. In the examination according to gender; no difference was found in terms of job alienation between male and female teachers. In the examination according to marital status; no difference was found in terms of job alienation between married and single teachers. In the examination according to educational status; no difference was found in terms of job alienation between teachers with bachelor's and master's degrees. In the examination according to age; in the individual job performance dimension of the participants, the individual job performance perception of the 41 and over group was found to be higher than the 20-30 age group. In addition, in the general scale of job alienation of the participants, the job alienation perception of the 41-50 age group was found to be higher than the 20-30 and 51 and over groups. In the examination according to years of service; the individual job performance perception of teachers with 16 years of service and above was found to be higher than the teachers with 1-5 years of service. In the examination according to weekly working hours; the perception of individual job performance of teachers with weekly working hours between 26-50 hours was higher than teachers with weekly working hours between 15-25 hours. Finally, there was no significant relationship between the participants' individual job performance scores and their perceptions of total work alienation scores. It was also concluded that the participants' individual job performance scores did not significantly predict their work alienation perceptions.</p> Cansu Arıkan Sezginer Nail Kılıç Esra İslam Temraz Kayış Halil İbrahim Taşyürek Bahar Kahraman Akpınar Melek Altunışık Abdullah Gülsever Ayşe Özayaşlıol Hanife Elver Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-02-12 2025-02-12 3 4 449 457 10.5281/zenodo.14863510 Investigating the Effect of School Principals’ Creative Leadership Behaviors on Teachers’ Innovative Work Behavior <p>This study aims to examine the effects of school principals' creative leadership behaviors on teachers' innovative work behavior. The study was conducted using a relational screening model. As a result of the study, it is seen that teachers' innovative work behavior and school principals' creative leadership traits perceptions are above average. In the examination according to gender; men's perception of innovative work behavior is higher than women. Again, men's perception of school principals' creative leadership traits is higher than women. In the examination according to age; teachers aged 41 and above have higher perceptions of school principals' creative leadership traits than teachers aged 31-40. On the other hand, the remaining innovative work behavior perceptions do not change according to age groups. In the examination according to previous innovation training status; no difference was found between those who received innovation training and those who did not. In the examination according to years of service; the creative leadership perception of school principals of teachers with 16 years of service and above was higher than teachers with 6-10 years of service and 11-15 years of service. Finally, a moderate, significant and positive relationship was found between participants' perceptions of innovative work behavior and school principals' creative leadership traits. Again, the creative leadership characteristics of school principals significantly predict teachers' perceptions of innovative work behavior. In other words, a 100-unit increase in the dimension of the creative leadership characteristics of school principals increases innovative work behavior by 44.6%.</p> Murat Duman Mine Şenol Fatma Göknar Tolga Alaca Mehmet Dayıoğlu Halim Türk Sedat Çağlar Serap Akdemir Aslan Canan İlbay İbrahim Halil Temizbaş Funda Doğan Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-02-12 2025-02-12 3 4 458 465 10.5281/zenodo.14863587 Trends in Organizational Behavior Research: Perspective 2010-2024 <p>The main purpose of these studies is to provide the information and understanding that organizations need to manage their human resources effectively and create a collaborative atmosphere. The research was conducted using the systematic review method. Human behavior in the workplace and how it affects organizational performance are the main topics of organizational behavior studies in Turkey. Leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational culture, communication and conflict resolution are among the main topics of organizational behavior studies in Turkey. Research on these topics helps companies understand their problems and create applicable answers. Research on organizational behavior is quite important in both academia and the commercial sector in Turkey. Business managers can improve organizational performance and human resource management by following these studies. This study examined how leadership, motivation, conflict resolution and job satisfaction (all subtopics of organizational behavior) are distributed in peer-reviewed journals by year from 2010 to 2024. According to the findings of the study, motivation has been the most important organizational behavior topic studied in Turkey from 2010 to 2024. Leadership and job satisfaction follow. According to the examined themes, the least studied topic was conflict management.</p> Erdal Bayhan Serap Ünlü Remzi Devrim Fatma Aytap Nihal Özçelik İlknur Dinçay Şükran Karakaya Aydın Alagöz Elvan Alyıldız Yeliz Gökçe Çoban Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-02-12 2025-02-12 3 4 466 479 10.5281/zenodo.14863854 Examining the Effect of Professional Collaboration among Teachers on Professional Alienation <p>This study aims to examine the effect of professional collaboration among teachers on professional alienation. The study was conducted using a relational screening model. According to the results of the study, it is seen that the perceptions of professional collaboration among teachers are above average and the perceptions of work alienation are below average. In the examination by gender; the perceptions of professional collaboration and work alienation of the teachers participating in the study do not change according to women and men. In the examination by marital status; the perceptions of professional collaboration and work alienation of the teachers participating in the study do not change according to whether they are married or single. In the examination by educational status; the perceptions of professional collaboration and work alienation of the teachers participating in the study do not change according to their undergraduate and graduate degrees. In the examination by age groups; the perceptions of professional collaboration and work alienation of the teachers participating in the study do not change according to being in different age groups. In the examination by years of service; the perceptions of professional collaboration and work alienation of the teachers participating in the study do not change according to being in different years of service groups. Finally, no statistically significant relationship was found between the perceptions of professional collaboration among teachers and the perceptions of work alienation. Again, professional collaboration scores among teachers do not significantly predict work alienation total score perceptions.</p> Mehtap Kavak Gülçin Ortakçı Adem Çakır Sedat Ak Meşkure Eryürük Hatice Özekin Yeliz Duman Hatice Kılıç Sedat Akgöl Yasin Dalkılıç Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Educational Sciences 2025-02-12 2025-02-12 3 4 480 488 10.5281/zenodo.14864099